All of us at the Brookfield Academy for Mini Musicians (BAMM) are extremely dedicated to maintaining a safe and healthy learning environment for you and your family. We understand that these are complicated times, and our daily goal is to work together to create not only a safe space, but also a welcoming and nurturing space for your child's music class.
All that sounds great, but my child won't keep his/her mask on!
Per the CDC and local mandates, our current policy is that kids 2 years and older wear masks as much as possible while in the studio. However, we understand that this is a tricky time for very young children. This may be particularly true if you have been staying home with your little one and haven't had much need to practice mask-wearing. We hear you.
While we do encourage all parents to try their best to have their little ones follow our mask policy, we are setting up the classroom so that all designated seating areas for students and their caregivers are at least 6’ apart. Young children don’t have nearly as strong of an aerosol as adults, so we can be a little more lenient while still feeling safe. (Plus our 99.985% true HEPA filter disinfects the air constantly.)
Our only strong ask is that at no time, unmasked kiddos are wandering around the room and into other families’ “bubbles.”
Please note that currently, no mask exceptions will be made for adults, and masks must fully cover your nose and mouth at all times.

What other safety precautions are you taking?
All of our teachers are fully vaccinated.
While we are not requiring vaccinations for all classes, we have selected three blocks of classes (Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday mornings) in which vaccines are required for any adult entering the building. These classes are open to any family with vaccinated caregivers, although we may give priority to families with immuno-compromised children or adults in the household.
Class sizes have been reduced to 7 children per class for ample spacing, and only one adult per child may attend class. Families will be seated a minimum of 6’ apart in designated spots.
All handheld instruments are thoroughly sanitized after each and every use. You are welcome to bring your own instruments and materials for class, although we do ask that they remain in your bag and out of your child's reach while not in use. “Peek-a-boo” or dancing scarves will only be used by one child and will immediately be placed in a separate bag for laundering.
We are using a carbon + UV light air filtration system that purifies the air and kills harmful bacteria and viruses, including the COVID-19 virus.
Hand sanitizer is readily available in the classroom and waiting area.
We ask that families not congregate in the waiting area or hallways prior to or after class. We're requesting that families remain in their cars or outside the building until the previous class has begun to exit, and that they do not enter the building more than 5 minutes before class.
Finally, we're asking that families do not attend class if anyone in the household has had a recent COVID-19 exposure, or if they have experienced cold or flu-like symptoms within the last 24 hours, including but not limited to fever, runny nose, cough, vomiting, etc. Makeup classes are available should families need to miss class.
Will I be notified if someone in class tests positive?
While we are extremely optimistic that our precautions will prevent COVID from entering our music school, we also know that optimism is not a plan.
Should any of our students, teachers, or caregivers test positive at anytime, we will alert all families in the class as well as the classes that take place before and after. If we need to cancel a class due to a potential COVID-19 exposure, that week's classes will be held virtually.
Ms. Clara's Final Notes 🎶
I'd like to leave you with the following thoughts. Since March, 2020, we have offered only virtual and outdoor early childhood music classes, feeling that it wasn't quite safe enough yet to reopen our studio for in-person classes.
I have been keeping a very close eye on COVID numbers, and feel that we are finally at a place in which we can safely do so. Cases in Brookfield, Riverside, and North Riverside have plummeted to pre-Omicron levels, and last week, only 6 cases were reported in Brookfield (as compared to 140 the previous week.)

Only you as a parent can make the best decision for your family, but please know that your child's health and safety is our top concern (with fun, joy, and laughter all coming in at a very close second!)
We look forward to the honor and pleasure of sharing our love of music with your little ones.